I’m Cameron, and I’m here to change how you think about business.
I love the world of entrepreneurship. From starting a business, watching it grow, and branching out to new endeavors, I am captivated by the whole thing. I love it enough that I have dedicated my entire career to it. As a business law attorney, I work with clients ranging from tiny startups to organizations spread out across the globe. I started Company Steps to share the lessons I’ve learned as an attorney, a manager, and a business owner with you.
“Okay, but what’s with the name?”
It’s pretty simple. I named the site “Company Steps” because we’ll review all the vital steps you will encounter in your entrepreneurship journey. We’ll talk about the entire experience of running a company, from the cradle to the grave. Along the way, you will learn about turning an idea into a real business, dealing with conflict, mastering the art of marketing, and more! This site is your one-stop shop for business ideas and inspiration.
A quick note: although I am an attorney and the subjects will sometimes (but not always) be related to business law, the information on this site is not meant to be used for legal advice. If you have a legal question or issue, please get in touch with an attorney to discuss it.
-Cameron Dugger, JD, LPEC
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